First, that's not the real date above. It says that to position this post where it needs to be.
Now, about the questions you may have. You're welcome to ask. Keep asking questions, it's good for everyone. Here are some questions and comments ArtsPreserve has been asked:
What is ArtsPreserve?
Can I visit ArtsPreserve?
Are you really in Nebraska? Why?
There's hidden meanings in ArtsPreserve, isn't there?
Are you famous?
What's with all this anonymous crap?
Who's behind all this? WHO!?
honestly...who the hell are you?
How many emails do you get?
"I know someone in your weblog, isn't that kewl?"
Do you own land?
I don't get it.
Is ArtsPreserve a revenge plot or supernatural romance?
Do you make barbeque sauce, and if so, is it any good?
Why does ArtsPreserve contain neoclassical elements?
Is hypnotism on stage real? Or is it all jive-talk?
"Are you like a pettin' zoo?"
"ArtsPreserve is sexy, like my lover in a mask. Like a perfect night of sexual fun where you both connect and try a variety of things together, all night long, in a trusting and loving space. ArtsPreserve is drinking and linking late at night after hearing a great band and still being a little buzzed. A local vacation just down the street but so far away. You are an Audre Lorde quote of pure inspiration."
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